Circle volume calculator

Circle Volume:

Calculate the volume of a circle with our Circle Volume Calculator. Simply enter the radius of the circle and height of the circle, then click the calculate button.

Math formula

The circle volume is calculated using the following formula:

cv = π * r^2 * h

  • CV = circle volume
  • π = 3.14159.
  • r = radius of circle
  • h = height of circle

How to calculate circle volume?

The circle volume is calculated by multiplying the area of the area by the height of the circle.

  • First, Measure the radius of the circle then
  • Next, calculate the area of a circle (π * r^2).
  • Next, Measure the height of the circle
  • Finally, circle volume = area of circle * height of the circle

Solved Example

Example: if the radius of the circle is 20 cm and the height of the circle is 15 cm then calculate the circle volume

Given Values

  • The radius of a circle = 20 cm
  • Height of the circle = 15 cm

Put the values into the formula

Area of a circle = π * r^2 = π * 20^2 = 1256.63 square centimeters

volume of circle = area * height = 1256.63 * 15 = 18849.5592 cubic centimeters.

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