Triple Discount Calculator

Original price:


1st Discount:


2nd Discount:


3rd Discount:

Final Price

Free online triple discount calculator – Calculate triple discounts effortlessly with our triple discount calculator. Determine the final price after applying multiple discounts to save big on your purchases.

Triple discount formula

The triple discount formula is used to calculate the final price of an item after three successive discounts have been applied.

FP = OP * (1 – d1) * (1 – d2) * (1 -d3)

  • FP = Final price
  • OP = original price
  • d1 = 1st discount in percentage
  • d2 = 2nd discount in percentage
  • d3 = 3rd discount in percentage

How to calculate a triple discount?

to calculate a triple discount, you need to:

  1. Write down the three discounts in percentage (eg: 10%)
  2. Find the amount of difference the 1 and each discount.
  3. Multiply together the three numbers = (1-d1)*(1-d2)*(1-d3)
  4. Multiply the result by the original price.

You’ve obtained the final price after three discounts.

Solved Example

Example:- Let’s consider an example of a triple discount: Original price: $100
Discount rates: First discount: 20%, Second discount: 10% and third discount: 15%

To calculate the triple discount, we’ll apply each discount consecutively:

  1. Applying the first discount:
    Price after the first discount = $100 – (20% * $100) = $100 – $20 = $80
  2. Applying the second discount:
    Price after the second discount = $80 – (10% * $80) = $80 – $8 = $72
  3. Applying the third discount:
    Final discounted price = $72 – (15% * $72) = $72 – $10.80 = $61.20

Therefore, the final discounted price after applying all three discounts would be $61.20.


What is a triple discount

A triple discount is the method of applying three discounts to a price to determine the final discount price.

What is a 5% discount on 250

To calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = 5% of $250 = 0.05 * $250 = $12.50
To calculate the discounted price:
Discounted price = $250 – $12.50 = $237.50

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