Molarity to Concentration Calculator


Free online molarity to concentration calculator – calculate concentration from molarity enter molarity value and molecular weight then click the calculate button.

Molarity to concentration formula

To convert concentration molarity to concentration, you can use the formula

C = M * M.Wt


  • C = Concentration (mg/mL, ug/L)
  • M = Molarity (M or mol/L)
  • M.Wt = Molecular weight (g/mol)

How to calculate molarity to concentration?

To calculate molarity to concentration, simply molarity (mol/L) multiplied by the molecular weight (g/mol) then you get concentration (g/L)

Here step by step

  1. First, Determine the Molarity (mol/L)
  2. Next, Determine the molecular weight (g/mol)
  3. Finally, Put values in the above formula

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